Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rowan Atkinson

Hi all,

I think this is my first blogpost for this year. I've been busy with school and work. Yep, I got a job at the school Supply Store in early December, but I'm quitting next term, June because of my grades. A lot of things changed since the last time I posted a post; new friends, new classes, new goals, and new blogger layout.  Anyways, been taking some Graphic Design courses this term and I'm lovin' it! Here is a drawing of Rowan Atkinson using ink and markers for Illustration.

I got a 27/30 for this just because I didn't have a border on the outside and my instructor thinks it isn't professional because the viewers don't know which is the actual piece and which is the background of the presentation. Fair enough, it was a fun project after all.