This is the second assignment for this class, create a total of 12 pictograms representing activities, amenities, animals, marine life and all the things we see at aquariums and zoos. Consider how you might have to create pictograms representing different species. The pictograms should be consistent and be inspired by what is unique to the state, historically, geographically and culturally. I chose North Carolina honestly because it was the first state that popped in my head. I researched on it and I was inspired by Nascar and aviation. North Carolina is popular for Nascar and the first aviation. I was going for something very geometric and straight forward, no sketchy details or whatsoever.

The next 2 weeks after this was assigned, I was introduced to the next project which is project 2b. It is to design a banner that would be hung at the entrance to the aquarium or zoo. It must have the logo and the name of the aquarium/zoo. The banner size is 3 feet horizontal by 9 feet vertical (scaled down to 3”x 9” for printing purposes). Using the same banner size, design four addition banners for the entrance to four chosen exhibits. The logo for the aquarium/zoo must be at the bottom of the banners and the pictogram must be used to indicate the exhibit. The design for the five banners should be consistent in layout, color and type. You might want to consider the location of the species on The Planet Earth, but the design must relate to the system.
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