Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Hello Omnivores,

I have this obsession with... FOOD. So, I have this album on my Facebook consisting all the food I ate for these past few months or year? Anyways, my dad keep telling me that I should go on diet and try not to have chubby cheeks, but I think I got this chubby cheeks from him. Sometimes it makes me look younger, but it also makes me fat. However, I still love my life.

Just a couple of weeks ago, my instructor assigned me a two-week project about choosing 5 letters and design them in a theme of our own choice. I chose, food. It took me quite some time to get the letters right and make sure people see it as letters. My friends were talking about food in class and were saying to others that I have this Facebook album consisting... yumminess. So I guess now everyone in my Illustration class + instructor knows that I'm obsessed with food. Even one of my friends posted this Tumblr site about asians taking pictures of food on my wall which I think is somewhat funny and true.

I recently made a blog about food, check it out guys!

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